
Listed Buildings Cambridgeshire

Listing marks a building’s special architectural and historic interest and also brings it under the consideration of the planning system so that it can be protected for future generations.
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Ely Design Group
3 Short Road,
Stretham, Ely
Listed Buildings Cambridgeshire

Alterations and Extensions to Listed Buildings in Cambridgeshire

Listing marks a building’s special architectural and historic interest and also brings it under the consideration of the planning system so that it can be protected for future generations.

The older a building is, the more likely it is to be listed.

All buildings built before 1700 which survive in anything like their original condition are listed, as are most of those built between 1700 and 1840. Particularly careful selection is required for buildings from the period after 1945. Indeed a building has to be over 30 years old to be eligible for listing.

We have experience in successfully obtaining planning permission and building regulation approval for extensions and alterations to listed buildings.

Here is a link to Historic England’s website so that you can check the listing details of a property – click here.

There are three categories of listed buildings as follows:-

  • Grade I buildings are of exceptional interest, only 2.5% of listed buildings are Grade I
  • Grade II* buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest; 5.5% of listed buildings are Grade II*
  • Grade II buildings are of special interest; 92% of all listed buildings are in this class and it is the most likely grade of listing for a home owner.
Listed Buildings Cambridgeshire

Our approach

Our approach to working on listed properties is to engage with the Conservation Officer at the earliest opportunity. Indeed, this can even by before you purchase a property. Maybe your decision to proceed with a purchase may be dependent on successfully obtaining planning permission to alter / extend the property that you are interested in.

Recently we were instructed by a repeat client to draw up some initial sketches to show to the Conservation Officer and to meet the Officer on site. Minor tweaks to the proposals, to incorporate the Officer’s requirements, meant that we obtained Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for a large rear extension, front porch and new triple garage.

We would be pleased to meet you to discuss your project and the alterations / extensions to your property.

Listed Buildings Cambridgeshire

Here are more examples of works to listed properties.

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