
Authority to Act as Party Wall Surveyor

Authority to Act as your Party Wall Surveyor

We’re very pleased that you would like to instruct Allen Norman to serve notices under the Party Wall etc Act 1996 and, in the event of a dispute, to act as your Party Wall Surveyor.

To make life easier, in a technology-based world, we have developed a simple online system for you to instruct us to proceed.

Please fill in your details, the quotation number, put a tick in the boxes corresponding with the authority you are giving Allen, confirm your agreement to his fees and then click the submit button at the bottom of the form…this will send us an email with the information.

Allen will then proceed in accordance with your instructions / authority.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please provide your email address if you would like to receive an emailed copy of this form.
The reference should be on our fee proposal sent to you at the beginning of the project. If we emailed you then please type email and the date of the email.
Please provide the property address and postcode where the works are going to be carried out
Please provide your correspondence address only if it is different from the site address mentioned above.
I am an owner/We are owners as defined by section 20 of the Act of the property where the works are proposed
I/we hereby authorise you, Allen Norman, to sign, issue and receive any notices in connection with the works proposed at the above.
In the event of a dispute I/we appoint you, Mr Allen J Norman, of Ely Design Group, as my/our Surveyor, in accordance with Section 10(1)(b) of the above Act and authorise you to make any necessary appointments on my/our behalf.
If the adjoining owner is willing for you to act as an agreed surveyor under section 10(1)(a) of the Act, I/we appoint you as agreed surveyor instead.
If the adjoining owner refuses or neglects to appoint a surveyor, we hereby authorise you to appoint a surveyor on their behalf under section 10(4) of the Act.
I/we agree that I/we are willing to receive any notice or document under the Act by email at the email address listed above.
I/we agree to your fees as detailed in your fee quotation refered to above.
By signing this form I confirm that I have the authority to do so on behalf of any joint owners (if applicable).
Clear Signature
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Mon - Fri: 10am - 4pm
Sat - Sun: Closed
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Ely Design Group
3 Short Road,
Stretham, Ely

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